Gill McGregor and her family have been touched by cancer several times. Their daughter has a rare bone marrow cancer which was diagnosed in 2012 'Just keep fighting it' is the best thing that anyone can ever say to her.
"It does feel like cancer is everywhere" said Gill. Their daughter is a big motivator behind her running this coffee morning fund raising event, "my husband's brother died from tongue cancer, his mother survives bowel cancer and I had my 'run in' with breast cancer". Gill and her family want to add their voice in saying thank you to Macmillan Cancer Support for the ongoing help they provide to everyone whenever it is needed.
That's their short story and we know that you will have your reasons for getting involved. Your reasons for spreading the word and making this a very successful fund raising event for Macmillan Cancer Support - Biggest Coffee Morning - Coffee Afternoon. We want to take this opportunity to say thank you for getting involved. If you have any need to get in touch with Gill directly then please email her at info@gillmcgregor.com
The great news came on the 26th September when everyone helped to raise £1293 for Macmillan Cancer Support
Coffee Morning / Afternoon
- Cuffley Village Hall, Maynards Place, Cuffley, EN6 4JA - Tickets were £7 per session
10am - 12pm Flower Arranging Demonstration-1 ‘Creative, Entertaining and Fun’
2pm - 4pm Flower Arranging Demonstration-2 ‘Creative, Entertaining and Fun’
£What we raised : World's Biggest Coffee Morning :Sponsors :Our Story : Gill McGregor