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For Flower Arrangers and Florists - and those interested in Contemporary Floral Design - a new - 'How to make' - flower arranging book by Gill McGregor -
Over 140 photographs support more than 40 different contemporary floral designs with concise construction methods are included in this new Contemporary Floral Design ‘How to’ Wire Manipulation Book. This book is for Florists and Contemporary Flowers Arrangers to instruct, inspire and further develop design skills and techniques. 56 pages including covers & index with Full colour photography and supporting text.
Published: May 2015
ISBN: 9780992933210
About the author Gill McGregor
Price: $13.99 In Stock
Written by: Gill McGregor
Published by: Gill McGregor College Publishers
Available in a handy A5 portrait format in Paperback
When Gill first started creating floral designs – the use of wire was only considered to be suitable for support, anchorage and control. Wires were often hidden; external wires were taped and copper frames mossed.
Now with so many decorative wires available their uses have increased and are now often used to aid distinction, create visible supporting frameworks, and to enhance the look of a vase or a flower.
One of a kind - this book has been written to support the host of Contemporary wire manipulation techniques that can be applied when constructing Contemporary Floral Designs.
£9.99 + £1.50 P&P
"How to.. Contemporary Floral Design - Wire Manipulation".
ISBN 978-0-9929332-1-0. Full colour photography and supporting text, A5 portrait, 56 pages including covers, index.
As a Floral Designer Gill draws on her experiences, as a fully qualified Florist, an experienced Floristry and Flower Arranging Teacher, a fully qualified Flower Arranger, a NAFAS National Teacher and NAFAS Demonstrator, to explore the use of products to help you to create designs with a difference.
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